Do you need a Bible?

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YouVersion App

This Bible app is FREE!

This is the Bible I use on the go or when I want to look up a verse quickly. For example, if God speaks to me about a specific scripture, I will look that scripture up to refresh my memory of the context and it’s setting. This helps me hear God more fully and clearly in a moment of prayer or ministry.

I also LOVE listening to the Bible on audio as I clean or am working on a project (remodeling our house.)

Multiple versions of the Bible are available on this app. The versions that I use the most include, these are not listed in any particular order, NLT, MSG, NIV, TPT, and NKJV.

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She Reads Truth Bible

This is the Bible I will sit down and read for devotions and for writing notes in the margins during church services or group times. I have purchased two She Reads Truth Bibles so far, there are so many different colors and covers to choose from, as well as a simple reading plan that gives you further reading (aka “Going Deeper”) if you would like to study beyond daily devotions and still keep it simple. To be honest this Bible is not cheap, however I have seen them go on sale on Amazon! Click either image to take you straight there.


P.S. There is a He Reads Truth Bible for your favorite guy as well.