Stephanie A. Anderson

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Coronavirus #BlogSeries

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We have a young one in our family with respiratory issues, therefore the spread of the coronavirus is something we are watching. And nervous about. Yet, in the face of fear, we are choosing courage and claiming peace.

I want to encourage you to do the same. 

Here are some simple practices we are doing, that I’d like to equip you with if you are looking or ideas:

We have talked with our oldest to inform him of what is happening at our church and with the NBA. The NBA situation has caused soooo many tears and questions!

We let our kids ask questions. We aren’t assuming what their questions are. We answer them with small words and facts only. 

We have communicated five things to our family:

  1. The symptoms of the virus.

  2. A simplified version of our plan that we will follow if someone in our family got sick.

  3. Best practices at school and church (coughing in elbows, no high fives, etc.)

  4. Prayer (Thanking God for our health and asking for help to make smart choices.)

  5. How we can help others be brave too!

  6. We answer their questions, comfort, and give them as much time as they need to process.

  7. Doting on them for how big they are, how proud of them we are, and how much we love them.

After hearing from our pastor, we have these verses written out and taped to our walls for our whole family to see:

Psalm 119:105

Psalm 91

Psalm 46:1-7

Romans 8:28

1 Peter 4:12

Jeremiah 32:27

2 Timothy 1:7

Psalm 18:24

1 Chronicles 12:32

When we aren’t binge watching Duck Tales on Disney+, we have this worship playlist on in the background.

Choosing courage means choosing our thoughts on purpose. 

There are four very simple things that will help reduce fear and find peace is:

  1. Reducing the amount of social media you are consuming. Read a book, watch movies, build lego’s, finish a project that’s taking up space…

  2. Eliminating all horror films, books, and other media. Consuming these products is opening your soul (mind, will, emotions) to the spirit of fear.

  3. To the degree that you are able, stock up on your basics. I have extra coffee (no lie!), noodles, and after all of the toilet paper disappeared, I went to look for toilet paper. Buy what you need for food and fill medicines for the next 2-4 weeks. We aren’t doing this in fear. We do this with wisdom, following Joseph’s example in the Bible. (Genesis 41) Replacing emotional purchases with trust in the Lord for our future, includes preparing to care for our littles ones and our neighbors.

  4. Download the YOUVERSION app. If you aren’t playing encouraging music, have the Bible on audio. I am currently listening Philippians.

  5. Ask for help. Don’t allow shame to cripple you. Reach out to a friend who will grocery shop with or for you. Especially if you are out of toilet paper. ;)

Have courage, steward your responsibilities well in unsettling times. Be wise and take advantage of the free time you may have because of this situation. Don’t let your mind wonder, use self-control. You are free to choose courage and have peace! Feel free to comment or contact me. Tell me your situation, I will pray for you!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9