Stephanie A. Anderson

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Behind the Scenes (2 of 3) Details on Books 2 and 3

Last week, I realized I was praying for one thing and living as if I wasn’t going to get it. I just cried as my tears surrendered to the law of gravity for about twenty minutes. I sat there alone in my room, sorry and relieved at this breakthrough. Yes, even leaders and communicators of the Gospel are living and learning to walk this life of faith whole-heartedly. Let me explain…

Blogs and books can do alot for their creators. Blogs share a quick view into a deep subject without too much commitment. Books have the power to strip the author of every memory on a given subject and create a hardbound record of their heart’s journey. 

Most people would be pleased to say they have written a book and just move on, therefore the question begs to be asked: Steph, why write another book?

Well, yes, it is true, many people like to write a book to check off a box and call themselves an expert. However, my book is not a business card. I’m not writing to qualify myself. I am writing to develop my gifts and talents so they can be used by the Lord and serve others.

When something lands in my heart, I have to sort it out on paper or in my notes app. In fact, I have had two books stirring in my heart for a long time now. I thought it was one book and that I couldn’t wrap my mind around how these two topics would intertwine. The other day the Lord spoke to me, “You have been praying for a two-book contract. Why are you writing a confusing proposal for one book?” Now you know why I cried.

Logic follows to ask the next most frequently asked question: What is your book about?

And here, my friends, is my answer:

For both of my books I have “working titles.” Meaning, if I am working with a publisher who would like to traditionally publish my books, they have the power to change the titles. So I am staying flexible, but for now here are the working titles, some chapters titles and a brief description of both my book babies. 

Book # 1

Embrace the Mess: How to Lead When You Don’t Know Who You Are

In this book we will walk through the Children of Israel’s journey out of slavery from Egypt to the promised land, only to be overcome and scattered among the nations which becomes the seeds to the global church. The diaspora had to happen for the Church to be inclusive. Her transformation was misunderstood by many even though a remnant remained. Our mess is the seed to a miracle in our ministries. It is in the mess that God’s best redeeming work becomes our transformation and ultimately brings us into what He originally intended in our lives and leadership from the beginning. 

Some of the chapter titles include:

Obstacles to Calling

Grieving Loss and Disappointment in Ministry

How to Embrace the Mess

Miracles from Messes

Book # 2

More Normal: How Marginalized Women Can Make Disciples

This book is for the woman who has a dream to be used by God in a mighty way though she is limited, possibly due to gender, season of life, or culture. She is on the peripheral, has been marginalized and overlooked. Yet, she still has a burning desire to be used by God and make disciples.

In this book, we will use 1 Samuel chapters one and two as our guide. Hannah will mentor those of us who have experienced pain in the ministry and still have a desire to lead. Hannah desired more than what life had given her. In fact what she desired was normal for women in her time and culture. Hannah wanted a baby and became a woman who changed the spiritual climate for the nation of Israel. She desired something that was normal. It is my goal to ignite courage in the hearts of each female reader to desire an authentic deep experience as a disciple-maker. What was normal for the disciples in the New Testament is the “more” we want in our lives today.

Some of the chapter titles include: 

Why desire more when you have it all in their eyes?

What kills it all—

What develops it all—

Are you willing to surrender it all?

Determination to make disciples in spite of it all

Because there is so much Word that could go into the More Normal book I am currently working on a free, four-part Bible study to be released this Fall. I am thrilled to share with you a workbook and teaching for each part to complete as your schedule allows. If you aren’t already subscribed to my weekend email, make sure you are up-to-date on the latest details by signing up here:

See this form in the original post

Honestly, I don’t know the timing of these. I’m hoping to have two completed proposals by the end of this summer. I am writing, learning and serving as I go and I am dedicated to building courage along the way!

Cheers to writing proposals and query letters!