Stephanie A. Anderson

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Behind the Scenes (1 of 3)

Over three years ago I started writing my first book, more specifically, researching how to write a book. Two years ago, I wrote every Friday from 8 am to 3 pm and then some evenings, April through November. Last year, my book was edited, copyrighted, and a full cover was designed. November 5th is my self-published book’s first birthday. I definitely plan to celebrate with donuts this year. ;)

Three years before telling my world that I was going to write I book, I was sitting in my car with sweaty palms and a lump in my throat. I was going to tell 300 people on Instagram, who mostly didn’t care, about a project that was a seed to a much bigger dream. Looking back, I cannot believe I did it. I am so aware of the Lord’s guiding hand, it is undeniable.

A very common question I have been asked is, “Why did you start writing?”

Let me give you a quick preview of my childhood…

My entire childhood and well into my teens, I wanted to be (and was) a worship leader.

I would argue with my dad when he called me a preacher.

I hated the statement and would think “I’m not preaching. I like singing.” I loved to worship. I loved music. I loved singing and dancing. I’m coming for you, Tik Tok!

In elementary school, I would go out into the field during recess and sing my guts out. All. By. Myself. No, not the song, but actually alone. I saw myself standing in front of crowds but I did not want to preach. I have always been in choir, had voice lessons, wrote worship songs, and even one Christmas piece was published in High School.

While attending Bible college I had friends ask why I wasn’t on the worship team at church. I fumbled through lame excuses but the truth was something in my heart said to pause for that season and just soak in the Word.

Fast forward to December 2016, when I was pregnant with my second child. I worked at my church as a children’s pastor. I love my church, our leadership, and ministry. One day I was home doing the dishes after picking up our oldest from kindergarten when I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “I want you to quit your job.”

To be honest, this statement was confusing. I replied, “So then how will I accomplish the call you have on my life?” I’m sure God smiled there. He is so patient when we are so— not patient. He said, “I have something to show you.” I knew that “something” was somehow tied to women in ministry but that was all that I knew.

I knew something was coming.

An intense change. 

My second born arrived in June and I remember being so proud of myself when I was {FINALLY} able to feed myself, my 5-year-old, and nurse my newborn. Shortly after I was on my feet again I sensed a stirring in my spirit. Never before had I planned this. I had this burning desire to preach. Never in my life have I ever had a true “burning desire” like this one.

Looking back I have had many speaking and teaching opportunities that I see now were preparation and training. Even in my own stubbornness and resisting His will, God and my parents, and my husband had my back.

As a stay-at-home mom, I was further from preaching than I was being on staff, and I wanted to focus on developing this gift of communication. I asked the Holy Spirit, “If you want me to preach, and if I am called to this church, then why am I not preaching at my church?” I intentionally decided to look, past people, pipeline and structure, and get to the root. The door wasn’t open for a reason and God knew that reason.

He said, “Your platform is built in your home.” (Hello 2020!? Church across the world changing!)

Then I was reminded of a time back in junior high or early high school, when Judah Smith was preaching. He said something about if the disciples and the apostles in the Bible were alive in our day, you know they would have social media, a blog, anything they could do to get the Gospel out. 

So there it was. Clear as day. My first opportunities to preach and focus on development.

My social media profiles became about Jesus and the Word instead of selfies and baby spam. My free time went to researching HTML and budgeting costs for blogs, branding, marketing, email lists, lead magnets, figuring out the perfect niche, and oh yea, writing about a practical God.

I woke up a sleepy blog I created over a decade ago to spread the Gospel. I believe the Gospel will always need to be shared and explained. I believe I will always be learning something from the Holy Spirit. Now here we are, you reading this blog post and I’m in the middle of my first book club for my first book, encouraging others to live powerfully in the practical areas of their lives, because effective living starts with reading the Word.

Yes, I want to preach and teach, and right now my writing is my platform and my platform is built in my home. There is more, and the more has begun. Still, I pray, “Lord put me where you want me. Tell me, what you want to say. I’ll write it.” So that is why I write.

Next week, I’ll answer another very common question: WHY WRITE ANOTHER BOOK? I’ll also share the heart behind book number two. Then the following week I will share what book number two will be about. (So far I have heard it’s an intense book, a needed book, a “oh my gosh I need that” book.) I hope you will join me!