Stephanie A. Anderson

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IMG_6802Facing Fear Series Intro: Everyone deals with fear on some level. I’m currently in a season of facing fear myself, in a few areas actually. I decided to open up and share, and I’m hoping you’ll benefit. If you know someone that could benefit, please share this post! Today’s post is all about facing the fear of Rejection.

Rejected. It’s the title you are given if there are (seemingly or truthfully) better options. So many of us have been rejected. When you ask someone out on a date, or apply for a job, for a dream college or that residency, and you get the text or email that says your application has been denied, every position has been filled, we don’t know you, or no, you’re not good enough.

There is this thing called reality. Some of us aren’t aware of reality, and it’s not until we are rejected that we can get a clear picture of who we are, or where we “rank” with other options. I know this deep-achy feeling. The “not chosen” reality, based on circumstances that are out of your control can make you freeze or keep you from taking risks and chasing a dream.

People will go to great lengths to avoid rejection, from changing their looks, to faking credentials. In order to avoid disappointing someone, an individual might hide weaknesses or only focus on their strengths. Finding out you aren’t what someone is interested in is humiliating. Not dreaming out loud about that job or that opportunity you didn’t get hurts less, when you realize you can’t afford it or weren’t accepted. The fear of rejection is seared in my mind. I have learned the more weight I put into the opportunity, the harder it is to accept the rejection.

Anxiety, depression and stress are common symptoms, with their own sets of symptoms, of someone living in the fear of rejection. It’s important that we learn to guard our hearts and minds from anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, and other strongholds like that. In the Bible, we see that Jesus was rejected by the ones He came to serve. Jesus did three things in the midst of rejection that we can do also, to guard our hearts. 1. He prayed. 2. He stayed humble. 3. He stayed focused on the end goal.

Jesus Prayed.

A few days before going to the cross, Jesus told his disciples, what was going to happen. He told them He would be betrayed, rejected and killed. After that confusing and probably offensive conversation, Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. The prayer in the garden of Gethsemane is powerful and painful to me as well. Jesus recognized His dependence was on God, to accomplish the goal of saving the people who were rejecting him. Jesus stayed in communication with God, about His plan for his life. The amount of time we spend in prayer, proves how dependent on God we are when faced with rejection. (See Matthew 26:39+)

Jesus Stayed Humble.

Humility is seeing yourself accurately, it is knowing who you are and who you are not. Not thinking to low of oneself and not thinking to highly of oneself either. Jesus knew who he was. When faced with those who betrayed him, he stayed humble, because of this he was able to carry the sins of the world. Humility will open doors for you that minimizing or over qualifying could never do.

Jesus could have picked up a victim mentality, he could have shared all the sins of his accusers, he could have killed his betrayers and abusers, yet when they went looking for him, or questioned him about who he was, he stayed silent, or only spoke the truth. A man with a great amount of power and a great amount of self-control is a humble man. (See Matthew 26:57-27:2 and John 18:1-27)

Jesus Stayed Focused On The End Goal.

In the middle of questions, pain and betrayal Jesus responded with honesty and sincerity. Every time his identity was questioned, he either stayed silent (not to argue with a fool, see Proverbs 26:4), or he responded with the truth. When the governor (who tried to release Jesus, but the people wouldn’t let him), questioned Jesus in the midst of the rejection, Jesus stayed focused. Emotions and pain didn’t sway him. Jesus didn’t point fingers to other criminals on trial during that time. He didn’t try to distract people from his coming crucifixion. He faced the rejection, embraced the pain, and stayed faithful to the plans God had for His life. When the governor of Rome asked who are you he responded sharing his identity and his motive, saying “For this cause I was born, for this cause I have come into the world.” He did not waver because of the pain of rejection. Jesus knew who he was, and what he was set out to do. (See Matthew 26+ & John 18+)

If your goal is to get into college, finish high school or get your GED. If you’re goal is to have a healthy marriage, date an individual with a healthy perspective on life and is dependent on Jesus Christ for their identity. If you have been rejected by someone because of the color of your skin, how you talk, or some other unchanged feature, know that you are not alone and you are not meant to live ashamed of the way God made you. If you find a rejection letter in the mail this Spring, or someone doesn’t see the dream you are sharing with them, it’s going to be okay. Guard your heart, continue to pray, stay humble and stay focused. Jesus knows exactly how you feel and He is with you. Does that make sense?

*Visit me on any of my social media platforms, I have posted a prayer for those who are facing rejection. (Andersonswife on FB, IG, & Twitter.)Please LIKE & SHARE this information to spread the word!