Stephanie A. Anderson

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Discipleship Analysis: When The Bible Study Ends

Happy Saturday everyone!

I’m wrapping up my Discipleship Analysis with answers to six question as they are answered by another gal I’ve been so impacted by. Her strength and how she carries the burdens that life has brought her since a young age has been incredible to say the least. She originally reached out to me only because I was a pastors wife. We didn’t even know each other. She sent me a text asking to meet “with someone.” I agreed to meet her and found myself a friend and sister who wanted more of the Holy Spirit in her life and less of the stuff that makes life messy.

Let me introduce you to my sweet friend, Allison.

Here are her answers to the discipleship analysis.

1. In your experience why is discipleship so important?

Discipleship is important because it is a mandate from God and I think it’s the difference between “every day” believers and those who follow God whole-heartedly.

2. How is “doing life” or being friends with a mentor beneficial to the one being invested in?

Being with people, enjoying life, and sharing the pain, are all essential to discipleship. It helps to build trust and build each other up in Christ.Knowing someone in a relationship helps break down barriers while simultaneously giving insight to the mentor about the true heart of the mentee, and as the mentor is submitted to the Holy Spirit the mentor can share sound judgment and wisdom.

3. What does systematic discipleship do for you? (Meeting weekly or bi-weekly conversations, etc.)

Systematic discipleship provides hope and consistency. It helps create a baseline for accountability and establish a connection with other believers; leading to greater intimacy with God and friendship with one another.

4. What does spontaneous discipleship do for you? (Like the one-off, 911 moments & unplanned funny moments or coffee trips)

Hmm. This is actually how we started the friendship-discipleship relationship we have. Just like a true 911 responder, it saves lives.

5. In your own words can you describe discipleship and our friendship.

I think that initially, we became friends through the need on my end for encouragement in discipleship. We first met weekly for about 8 months, very intentionally set out to consistently engage in a systematic discipleship program. We became instant friends because of ourlike-heartedness in our love for Christ. Ever since we have been intentional about continuing our friendship and fellowship in building each other up in the Lord. Friendship = Discipleship.

6. Can you share all or a part of your testimony? How has my influence in your life helped you get to where you are now?

I am currently in the healing process. Sanctification in its finest. Your influence was the catalyst to that healing, and your continued interest and support in my life brings encouragement and hope which helps me continue to stand in His light and run the good race.

Allison and I used to meet weekly, now we meet once every 2-4 months. We got to watch a very intentional discipleship relationship blossom into a rich friendship, this is everything in the Body of Christ. This is what happens when the BS (bible study) ends! This is what it’s all about!

So often we finish the bible study or some curriculum at our church group, but when it’s over we don’t invite people into our lives, just to be friends, but this is what makes those organized times so worth investing in. We find our family. We find our friends. Our lives are richer when we live open lives.

As you disciple consider asking one or all six of these questions to whom you are mentoring; I want to challenge you to consider what the Holy Spirit could be inspiring or motivating you to do more or less of.

I love hearing the responses you are getting to these questions- please comment below and let me know! God is so good and it is very humbling to be apart of what he is doing in other peoples lives.

I am praying for each of you this Easter season. If you have any prayer requests please hit the comment button and let me know. It would be my privilege to pray for your situation by name.

