Stephanie A. Anderson

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Esther 3.6

joshua-ness-225844Do you recognize the name Hathach? He was the messenger in the conversation between Queen Esther and Mordecai. Esther had to trust that the words coming from Hathach, were Mordecai’s words. In a world where authority figures are blamed for misguiding, abusing and manipulating, it’s hard to trust that a spiritual mentor is clearly hearing from the Holy Spirit. Specifically when the wisdom they share seems confrontational or opposes what we are seeing, feeling and thinking. Part of trusting the Lord, includes trusting the leadership of the church. Trust is hard, but it’s not impossible. Two ways we can grow our trust: 1. Invite our team lead/pastor to coffee, ask them to share their story, or share their heart for the ministry, and 2. Simply pray for them. Pray for grace, strength, wisdom, good health and blessing.Remember to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5Esther 4:5-16(Photo by Joshua Ness)